1.     A student may request for paper rechecking within five working days after the publication of the result on payment of the prescribed fee per paper.
2.     Re-checking of a student’s paper will be done to ensure that:
a.     No portion of the answer material has been left un-marked
b.    There is no mistake in the grand total
3.     Re-assessment of answer material shall not be permissible
4.     In case the re-checking requests results in a increase of marks, the Rechecking Fee will be refunded.
5.     The decision of the University shall be final.

In order to request for paper rechecking, follow the steps below:
1.     From within the LMS, click the Student Services button
2.     Click on the Apply for Rechecking of Papers link
3.     A form with the list of your courses having a checkbox in front of each will be displayed
4.     Click the check box(es) against the course(s) that you want rechecked
5.     Click the Submit Request button
6.     Your request will be generated on the form
7.     Click on the Print Voucher link
8.     The voucher will be displayed in a separate window

(Note: In case you want to make any change(s) in your request, close the voucher window, click the Withdraw Request link on the form and start again)
9.     Print the voucher
10.  Deposit the fee in the bank mentioned on the voucher
11.  Make sure to obtain the stamped copy of the paid voucher
12.  Scan and upload the paid copy of voucher using the Upload Paid Voucher link
13.  You will be able to download your rechecked paper (s) after 8-10 working days provided VU-Accounts Department has confirmed the receipt of payments.

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