Dear VU (Virtual University of Pakistan) Students, you can read or Download CS604 - Operating Systems Assignment No 1 Solution and Discussion of Semester Spring 2018. Assignment Due Date is 10 MAY, 2018. Total Marks are 20. This assignment covers lesson no. 1-8. We are here to facilitate your learning and we do not appreciate the idea of copying or replicating solutions. You can also like for latest update our Facebook page, YouTube channel and follow on Google+.

CS604 Assignment uploading instructions:
Upload/Submit assignment in your VULMS assignment interface onlyin .doc or .docx format.
CS604 Assignment Instructions
Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:
  • You should submit your assignment before or on due date on VULMS.
  • Your assignment should be your own work in your own words. It should not be copied from Internet, handouts or books.
  • Assignment sent via Email will not be replied and accepted.
  • If the submitted assignment does not open or file (or ZIP) is corrupt, it will not be marked and hence awarded zero marks.
The objective of this assignment is:
  • To get familiarity with Linux Operating System installation and usage at basic level
  • To know about various features of Operating System structures
CS604 Assignment Part - 1:

Part 1: Linux Installation

You are required to install Linux operating system (or any Linux-based distribution like Ubuntu) on your Computer (PC or Laptop), create login with your own student id and paste the Login screenshot.

Sample Screen shot for Login Screen:
How to Install Required Software - Helping Guidline
Following are the guidelines and helping material including required software and their installations: Step No 1 - How to Download and Install Virtual Box:
To install the Linux first you have to install Virtual Box visualization software in your Computer system.

Follow the tutorial to download Virtual Box form the following link:
(You can use VMware as well.)
Step No 2 -How to Download and Install Ubuntu Linux:
Download Ubuntu Linux from the following link;

Follow these tutorials to install Ubuntu Linux in Virtual Box;
CS604 Assignment Part - 2
Part 2: Problem Statement
As you know there are many structures of Operating system containing (but not limited to); simple, layered, micro-kernels, virtual machines etc. You are required to differentiate their characteristics by filling the following table.

CS604 Assignment Submission Rules:
Please Note: File name other than your Student ID will not get marks. You are required to upload only Microsoft Word file that contains required screenshots for login and solution of Q.No.2. File other than Microsoft Word will not be accepted.

Download Assignment Solution File:
Download CS604 Assignment Solution by Clicking the Download Button Below in just single Click

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