pak301 GDB  SOLUTION FALL 2017

Dear VU (Virtual University of Pakistan) Students, here you read and download PAK301 (Pakistan Studies) GDB No.1 Solution Fall–2017. GDB Total Marks 05. You can download easily GDB Solution click the download button and get GDB Solution. GDB Open Date 9th January 2018 and GDB Closing Date 10th January 2018. You can also like for latest update our Facebook page, YouTube channel and follow on Google+. Previously (VU KI DUNIYA) share PAK301 (Pakistan Studies) Assignment No.1 Solution fall – 2017.
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gdb question

How would you analyses the political crisis in the context of internal indifference of political parties in Pakistan?
1st Solution:
In my analyses, the political crisis in the context of internal indifference of political parties in Pakistan is, Parties always blame the other party and every leader in race of showing lower other one's in the front of nation.

They wouldn't loyal with nation or country if someone's loyal they will gather to laying him down. Politician of Pakistan is not a politic it’s just war between leaders to make nation fool and try to make money for himself.

Politicians didn't do anything for nation they for their party only on they ever think about nation they want fill full their pockets.

Our political parties are fail to create modern, democratic state and it is the first cries in the context of internal indifference of political parties.

Pakistan has run into crisis after crises, each graver than the preceding and unity has eluded us despite all the fervent appeals made. There must be serious reasons why crises should exist in abundance and not unity.

They all trying to pull others from their leadership everyone just wants he is the one and only person who is able to leadership. There is no unity between politicians therefor the nation didn’t become like a body part.
There are some causes of political crisis in Pakistan.
• Historical viewpoint:
Rulers in sub-continent introduce and interest in music, art and lecture but not on equality, justice, freedom and democracy. The British introduced controlled democracy.
• Political of conflict since 1947:
11 dissolved assemblies, 3 martial law, making amending and abrogating 3 constitutions, frequents LFOs and ordinances.
• American interference:
Security threats economic need and political incompetency have always made Pakistan inferior to US which supported the dictator.
• Role of fragmented opposition:
Work for own personal interest instead of nation interest.
• Personalization of politics:
No party elections, only family politics.
• People reaction:
Sick of dirty politics, they want decent just, and well-off life.
• Factor behind politics crisis:
Literacy, corrupt political, bureaucracy, weak judiciary, generals and controlled media.
• Logical solution:
True democracy, strong judiciary, free media, people participation, literacy development.
The lack of internal democracy within Pakistani political has been both a cause and as outcome of Pakistan Political cheered democratic track-record. Pakistani Parties merely encapsulate the perverse local socio-economic patterns that pervade Pakistani society, even in the absence of political parties such as under military rule. The religious alliance successful availed people’s anger over the U.S military action in Afghanistan and formed government in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and they also secured dozens of seats in the lower house of parliament..


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