vu (virtual university) exam demo

Dear VU (Virtual University of PakistanStudents here you will learn about Virtual University of Pakistan Exam (Testing & Examination System) Demo. How to attempt Virtual University Exam. (VU KI DUNIYA) Provide Complete Guidelines and easy steps. Please read the complete article. Previously our website (VU KIDUNIYA) team share Value of VU Degree in PakistanYou can also like for latest update our Facebook page, YouTube channel and follow on Google+.

Step No.1
  • Login and enter the Exam id and password.  
Step No.2
  • Before starting exam please read the given instructions carefully.
Step No.3
  • The Main Paper Screen has different sections of Information I.e. Question, Answer boxes and navigating buttons etc.
Step No.4
  • This TOP section of Main Screen
  • 1. Course Description including Course Code and Title
  • 2. Student Id & Name
  • 3. Current Question No. and Total No. of Questions
  • 4. Marks and Budgeted Time for question
Step No.5:
This BOTTOM section of the main screen contains
  • Timer having Start Time and Time Left
  • Instructions Button
  • Question Navigation buttons to move to Next or Previous Question (Buttons Sequence: First, Previous, Next, Last)
  • Save Answer Button
  • (Remember to press Save button every time when you edit your answer/answer option)
  • Status of Attempted / Un-attempted Questions
  • Conduct Instruction
  • Finish Exam link
Step No.6:
  • The instruction icon available in the bottom of the Main Screen will allow the student to open and read the Software related instructions.
Step No.7:
  • Select the desired option by clicking the radio button
  • Press the    button to save the selected option
  • Use Navigation buttons to move to previous or Next Question
Step No.8:
  • Press “Click here” to enable the text editor of answer panel to write the answer
  • Standard Toolbar of the text editor for various options
  • Text Formatting toolbar of the text editor
Step No.9:
  • Write the answer in this answer panel 
  • (Use Crtl+C and Crtl+V to Copy & Paste from other software if applicable.)
  • Press Save button
  • Use Navigation Buttons to move to Previous or Next Question
Step No.10:
  • Click on the Finish icon of the bottom section of the paper
  • Information panel display the No. of questions attempted
  • Click RESUME button if you want to continue the paper
Step No.11:
  • Submit the paper after reading all the warnings and dually confirmed.
  • Click the checkbox to enable the Finish button
  • Click FINISH button to finish Exam
  • Click OK button to dually confirm the Finish exam
Step No.12:
  • Fill the feedback (if available) form related to the exam and submit.
Step No.13:

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