Dear VU (Virtual University of Pakistan) Students, here you read and download CS402 (Theory of Automata) Assignment No.2 SolutionFall–2017. Assignment Total Marks 15. You can download easily Assignment Solution click the download button and get Assignment Solution. Assignment Open Date 11th January 2018 and Assignment Closing Date 16th January 2018. You can also like for latest update our Facebook page, YouTube channel and follow on Google+. (VU KI DUNIYA) Previously shared CS402 (Theory of Automata) Assignment No.1 Solution Fall–2017.

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Objective of this assignment is to assess the understanding of students about the concept of complement of a language and intersection of two regular languages.
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It is recommended to upload solution file at least two days before its closing date.

For any query about the assignment, contact at cs402@vu.edu.pk

Question No.1: Marks:5+5+5=15
Consider the following two regular languages:
Let L1 be the language defined over alphabet ∑={a    b} that contains all strings starting with alphabet a. (Example strings abbababa, aaaab, abaabbbb)
Let L2 be the language defined over alphabet ∑={a    b} that contains all strings in which alphabet a comes in the string in even number. (Example strings aba, bbabaaab, abaabba)
Construct the corresponding FAs of above languages. Construct the transition table for the intersection of above regular languages and a corresponding transition diagram for (FA1FA2).
Hint: You may use short method for intersection of two regular languages.


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