Dear Virtual University Students, here you can read and download CS610 Assignment No.1 Solution fall 2017. CS610 Assignment Opining Date 13 November 2017 and Closing Date 20 November 2017. Assignment Total Marks: 20. So, harry up Download the CS610 Assignment Solution File and submit Your Assignment Solution. Easily you can Download Solution file click the Download Button and Get Assignment Solution File. Any Question for Assignment so easily you can Contact me using Contact form. If assignment solution was helpful. Please Share It with your friends. You can also like our Facebook page, subscribe YouTube channel and follow on Google+ for Latest Update.

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  • You need to use MS word document to prepare and submit the assignment on VU-LMS.
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The objective of this assignment is to understand Computer networking tools, devices and addresses. 


Suppose we are checking the status of a website of Virtual university i.e. www.vu.edu.pk by using Ping command through DOS. After ping, you will get different type of information. You are required to fill the following table against each information that you will get through ping command on your system.


Suppose ABC organization wants to build a computer network of 300 device. It has different departments on different floors in same building. This organization also has its offices in different cities all over the country.
As a network engineer you are given a task to design computer network for this organization. Considering above scenario, answer the following questions.
  1. Which intelligent networking device will be used to connect all computers with each other on same floor?
  2. Which networking device will be used to connect different network segments of different floors in organization’s building?
  3. Which networking device will be used when user wants to communicate with its colleague that is working in different city office?
  4. Which specific address will be used for communication between devices on same floor network?
  5. Which specific address will be used when user wants to communicate through computer network with the remote user that sit in other city office?
  6. In network when two or more computers send data at the same time then data packets may collapse with each other and damage, so, which technique will resolve this issue?
  7. Company wants to extend its Local area network within building in future if they already using coper wire communication then which networking device will be used in case of extension.


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