Dear Virtual University Students, here you can read and download CS506 Assignment No.2 Solution fall 2017. CS506 Assignment Opining Date 17 November 2017 and Closing Date 24 November 2017. Assignment Total Marks: 20. So, harry up Download the CS506 Assignment Solution File and submit Your Assignment Solution. Easily you can Download Solution file click the Download Button and Get Assignment Solution File. Any Question for Assignment so easily you can Contact me using Contact form. If assignment solution was helpful. Please Share It with your friends. You can also like our Facebook page, subscribe YouTube channel and follow on Google+ for Latest Update.
Recommended: CS506 Assignment No.1 Solution Fall - 2017


Uploading instructions:

  1. Your assignment should be in .zip /.rar format.
  2. Save your assignment with your ID (e.g. bc000000000.rar).
  3. No assignment will be accepted through email.

rules for marking

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
  1. The assignment is submitted after due date.
  2. The submitted assignment does not open, execute or file is corrupted.
  3. Your assignment is copied from internet, handouts or from any other student
      (Strict disciplinary action will be taken in this case).


Create a new database in MS Access and add a table in the database. The name of database should be same as your own VU ID (like BC0000000) and the name of table should be Student. Student table will have four attributes i.e. ID, NAME, ADDRESS and PROGRAM.

Now, design a graphical user interface in java as given below (You must have to mention your own VU ID in title as shown in screenshot).


  • Add new record in database
Whenever user enters some new data in text fields and clicks “Add Record in Database” button, all the text fields’ data should be stored in Student Table.
  • Search a record from database on the basis of ID and display it on screen
Whenever user enters any ID in text field and clicks “Search Record from Database” button, your program should fetch this record from database. If this ID is available in database then display the record of this ID in the mentioned text fields otherwise show an error message that no such record is available.

important regarding development

If you are using JDK1.8 or above then you’ll have to use ucanaccess driver to connect to MS Access database. In this case, I'll suggest you to view the following tutorial.


Following links will be helpful in creating new database in MS Access.



After completing your code, execute your java file(s) and take the screenshot of the output/result. Now, compress your code, database file and screenshot of the output using winzip or winrar and upload it on VULMS.


Do not put any query on MDB about this assignment, if you have any query then email at cs506@vu.edu.pk.  Furthermore, if any student found cheating from any other student or from online forums then he/she will be awarded ZERO right away and strict disciplinary action will be taken against the student.


Download CS506Assignment Solution by Clicking the Download Button Below in just single Click.


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