Dear VU (Virtual University of Pakistan) Students, here you read and download CS604 (Operating System) Assignment No.2 Solution Fall–2017. Assignment Total Marks 20. You can download easily Assignment Solution click the download button and get Assignment Solution. Assignment Open Date 12th January 2018 and Assignment Closing Date 18th January 2018. You can also like for latest update our Facebook page, YouTube channel and follow on Google+. (VUKI DUNIYA) Previously shared CS604 (Operating System) Assignment No.1 SolutionFall–2017.

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  • To understand the working of Banker’s algorithm.
  • To find Safe sequences by applying Safety algorithm.
For any query about the assignment, contact at CS604@vu.edu.pk

Question No.1:
Consider a system with five processes P1 through P5 and three resource types: A, B and C with multiple instances. You are required to apply Banker’s and Safety algorithms for the given system state as shown below.
Analyze that request P1 (1, 2, 1) can be granted or not? Moreover, find Safe sequences through step by step procedure for developing Safe sequences and update the required matrices/data.
Note: You are required to start from top to bottom for “Processes” column. i.e. P1 to P5.

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